I fight like a girl who refuses to be a victim
I fight like a girl who's tired of being IGNORED and HUMORED and BEATEN and RAPED
I fight like a girl who's sick of not being taken seriously
I fight like a girl who's been pushed too far I fight like a girl who OFFERS and DEMANDS RESPECT
I fight like a girl who has a lifetime of ANGER and STRENGTH and PRIDE pent up in her girly body
I fight like a girl who doesn't believe in FEAR and SUBMISSION
I fight like a girl who knows that THIS BODY and THIS MIND are mine
I fight like a girl who knows that YOU ONLY HAVE AS MUCH POWER AS I GRANT YOU
I fight like a girl who will never allow you to take more than I offer
I fight like a girl who FIGHTS BACK. So next time you think you can distract yourself from your insecurities by victimizing a girl, THINK AGAIN
She may be ME and I FIGHT LIKE A GIRL
último post: el final de un camino.
Hace 13 años
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